Made with Love

Monday, June 17, 2013

Create-a-story as a family - creative writing challenge

I used to loved Mad Libs as a kid and make up wacky stories with my friends and family.
We did this challenge as a family last night for father's day over dinner and had great fun with it.
My friend Kerstin from Auer Life is camping with her family right now and following along with these challenges. I thought this would be a great one for her family to do together.
Enjoy Kerstin!

This was my favorite comic as a kid... as still is.
Fill on your own Calvin and Hobbes dialogue!
Print it here!

And some template for the little ones...
the possibilities are endless
print here
print here


  1. Ha! Thanks for all your shout-outs!
    We are back from camping and the kids thought the challenge from last week was great!
    I will print this (and all the others ones to come) and save them for summer break. Right now the kids are still in school and my daughter has her finals this week. School's not out until the end of the month here, so I will be collecting all your challenges and I'm excited to work through them!
    (PS - we just went on a weekend-trip, pictures coming soon. I do already have a video my kids made up on my Facebook page)

    1. Oh so great you are back! I cant wait to see your pictures ;)
      Happy to know your kids enjoyed these activities along with mine.
      School is out early here, i know... great to know you are saving them.
      Makes my heart happy to know you all are doing great and taking advantage of this.
      Thanks for your comments Kerstin !

  2. What a great idea and I love the templates you provided,very cool. I used to love mad libs when I was growing up too.:)

  3. She is so sweet and I love that she said that she grow bigger and bosoms.

    Kopi Luwak

    1. thanks for commenting Finn, even if it came out on the wrong post. Thanks for stopping by!


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