Made with Love

Friday, June 14, 2013

About self image - creative writing challenge for kids

An idea for the little ones...
Print here!


  1. Awesome, Alma!
    We're going camping this weekend and I printed it out twice to "work" on it with my kids.

    1. Oh goodness Kerstin! Its seems you are the only one who keeps me going at this ;)
      These will be great to keep the kids busy while outdoors.
      Thanks for all your support sweet lady!

  2. oh es fantástico!!! lo necesitaría para mi en vez de para mis hijos.... a veces necesito quererme un poquito más y dedicarme un poquito de tiempo sólo para mi .. kisss my love

  3. I'm loving these...saving them up for when school finishes for the summer. I can see my eldest two really enjoying them and they're lovely and thought provoking too :)

  4. These writing challenges are so great! I really think my daughter would enjoy it. So glad you are sharing these. I am going to subscribe to I don't miss them!


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