Made with Love

Monday, March 4, 2013

New items and a Knitting Book Giveaway

I added some new items to my shop last night and I am so in love with them.
I have never looked good in knit hats but always wanted to make them.
I had an idea of what I wanted it to look like and I had two skeins of my favorite yarn
and went to town.
It turned to out to be my favorite item.
I especially love the border because it looks complicated but actually quite simple to make.
And the way the rest is simple but it shows off how the variegated colors in the yarn takes over and
creates its own pattern.
The colors reminded me of the movie Penelope ...of her purple coat with the red piping on it.
So that is how she got her name. How the little girl in me loves that film and all its over-saturated colors. I may not wear many colors but the spring inspires me and this is a stunning spring hat.

This crochet hat is super soft and chunky.

The pattern reminded me of ripples forming and the blue of the sea.
I love the way Cora Azul sounds together.
Could be worn as a beret on top or a slouchy look its perfect for the cool temperatures in the spring.
Both of these are the only of its kind, but I will be making more in other colors.

Now about the giveaway....
I've had an extra copy of this book for awhile and have been meaning to give it away.
Ever have a skein of yarn left over from project? Never know what to do with it... this is the book.
I made this crochet bag from this book. I added the lining and zipper to it.
To enter the giveaway share with me a story of how you learned to knit or crochet or your favorite thing to make. If you don't knit, share with me your favorite do-it-yourself-project. Tell me of something you would like to learn. Tell me of something you are currently working on.
The link above has extra pictures of the book's patterns.
Comment below and share my post and the winner will be announced next Monday March 11th.
The name will be drawn once again on the honor system.
Good luck!

Sharing some of my favorite posts from some bloggy friends:
this one from Alison,  got to know Laura in this beautiful post, Margo came back to blogging and I missed her, I loved these knitter's tips for the spring, my lovely Isa made the most beautiful sweater,
and this beautiful and inspiring self-portrait project.

***Thanks to all who commented and reached out to me in the last post. It meant a lot that some of you were touched by it and shared your sentiments. Thank you.***


  1. Beautiful, Alma! Can't wait to see them in more colors.
    I am not crafty in any way :)
    Thank you so much for mentioning my post!

    1. You are crafty. Your medium is words and arrange them in ways that makes a person feel... that is art in any form.
      Your craft is lovely.
      You are very welcome my friend :)

  2. So beautiful. I love your creations!

    1. so nice to see you here! Thanks for entering and your compliment :)

  3. I have so many lonely skeins of yarn! Is love this book. I was inspired to learn to knit after seeing my Norwegian friend knit the most amazing sweaters while we were in college

    1. Casey thank you for sharing your story and entering.
      Do you have this book? I was not sure.
      Just stopped by your site and fell in love.
      It was great to have connected with another knitter :)

  4. I accidently stumbled upon your blog and all I can say is WOW!! I'm so glad I found this. Your pieces are beautiful, creative and I love the vibrant color choices. Now following you :) hope to get some great inspiration from your site!

    1. Margaret so happy to have connected with you. You have some great pieces on your site as well. Thanks for the compliments and for entering in the giveaway.

  5. omygoodness. you are too kind with that shoutout :) thank you. you don't mind if I stop by here just to ooh and agh do you? I love your beautiful things. I don't care how easy you say that border up there is, it looks time consuming and crafted with lots of love :)

    1. Thanks Sarah I love when you stop by ;)
      A big fan of your work too so I share it with pleasure.

  6. I think I completely disagree with look FAB in that knitted hat!!! :D As for me I learnt the very basics of knitting as a small child, I still remember my plastic, lilac coloured knitting needles with pineapples on the end! I didn't really knit again until my twenties when I'd occasionally get the urge and would knit bits of squares. It wasn't until last year when I decided I wanted to learn more that I finally got into knitting properly...I think I have Google and Youtube to thank for that, as it was through them that I learnt everything I now know. This year I'd love to figure out cabling and colourwork. I'm currently still working on a stripey jumper for my 8 year old daughter, Holly. I think this is the longest I've ever spent on one project as the past couple of months have been so unbelievably busy I just haven't had as much time as I'd like to concentrate on it....but just one sleeve and a bit of trim around the neckline and it will be ready for sewing up! :) x

    1. Oh Kelli thanks for sharing your story with me and for the hat comment :)
      Like you I started the basics when I was younger and picked it up much later and used the internet to
      fill in the gaps. Next on my list is cabling too for me.
      That jumper is looking super, its a long project I know but so worth it.
      Thanks for stopping by ;)

  7. ay pero mi amor!!! esos gorros te han quedado preciosos... me gustan muchísimo!!! la modelo es perfecta y el entorno de ensueño!!! me encantaría estar más cerca y poder tejer todo eso contigo!!!
    Gracias como siempre por mencionar mi blog.. eres un encanto!
    sobre el sorteo ya sabes que me da verguenza participar porque si me toca te gastarías mucho en los gastos de envío. .. así que dejo esa posibilidad a otra persona (aunque me encantaría ese libro!!!) Aún así te cuento que mi abuela me enseñó a tejer y a hacer crochet.. siempre me deshacía lo tejido porque decía que estaba "muy apretado"... ella nunca me vio terminar nada... sólo empezar.. daría lo que fuera porque ella volviera y pasar una tarde tejiendo juntas.. espero que desde el cielo pueda verme contar los puntos ... Te quiero linda... mil besos

    1. Socorro Alma! Fran Domingo soy yo, Isa.. te acuerdas que te dije que el ordenador andaba loco? pues escribí con la cuenta de mi marido.. perdona el error... te he dejado más comentarios en otros post con este nombre... sorry!!

  8. Ooh, fun giveaway :) I learned to knit from my mom in my teens, and I think my favourite thing to knit it probably hats --so fast and satisfying sometimes :)

  9. I am working on simple crocheted preemie hats and a simple knitted washcloth. It took me 3 times trying over the space of about 10 years to learn to crochet. I had a patient teacher who watched me and I got things when she showed me. Knitting I have been learning via an instructional DVD, watching podcasts and youtube videos as well. :) Your work is beautiful! :D


I love to hear from you! Please leave comments below.