Made with Love

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Making of a King

There is a boy who makes my heart swell so big it could explode
without him speaking a word
There is a boy who was born with silk golden strands in his hair
like if sent from heaven
There is a boy who was born with music in his bones
and his heart on his sleeve
There is a boy who has the answers without knowing the questions
There is a boy who once asked to own a book of all the knowledge of the world
...and I gave him my heart
There is a boy who would rather read Ender's Game for the third time than
play a ball game
There is a boy who feels at home getting lost in the woods
There is a boy who often roots for the underdog
because he is one
There is a boy who spoke only when he needed to speak
but would sing songs all day long
There is a boy who went his own way
and was misunderstood anyway
There is a boy who has dreams
of digging up the mysteries of the world
There is a boy who uses his typewriter
as his weapon of choice

There is a boy who faces a firing squad every day
and grows and invisible cape

There is a boy who still believes in beauty and goodness in people
when he is faced with ugliness
There is a boy who has a mother
that wears a suit of Joan of Arc and an aching heart
There is a boy who I call "king"
he is a badass intellectual
he is teased and bullied

He is my hero

He is my son

This was an inspired post after reading this... many thanks Julie ;)


  1. Lovely post, Alma.
    He is very lucky to have you as his mother.

    1. thanks Alison ! it means a lot that you liked it :)

  2. This is beautiful, just like your boy...and I don't think I need to ruin it by telling you just what I think of bullying, I'm guessing we think very alike on that score. xx

    1. Thanks Kelli :) you are right no need to say it...we think alike in many ways.

  3. Loved your ode and especially loved your son's smile. Having just "met" you, I don't know where you are, but please tell your son that there are many places where former geeks/freaks/nerds/re-readers of "Ender's Game" get to meet each other and make glorious things together. More than likely, he will find established communities of us when he goes to college. If not, tell him to move to the Bay Area after graduating. :)

    1. thanks Julie! I will be sure to tell him and re-read your post a few more times.
      So far he hopes to be a writer and an anthropologist....the Bay Area may be in his future.
      So glad to have "met" and we are down south in Savannah GA right now.
      Loved your post and your comment ;)

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Leighannn... I dont let it bleed often but this time the words were killing me in my sleep.
      Thanks for visiting ;)

  5. You son sounds awesome!! Thanks for popping by my blog today.

    1. Thanks lovely lady! "Awesome" happens to be one of his favorite words.
      Loved your refreshing post :)

  6. Oh, I hate so much that he's teased and bullied. But he sounds like the kind of person that, once he gets through high school, he's going to do AMAZING things.

    1. You are sweet Greta! I agree he will do amazing things ;)

  7. This is so beautiful! It brought tears to my eyes. Your son is amazing, and will do amazing things!

    1. Thanks Audrey ! I was great connecting with you and found your blog yummy and hysterical ;)
      It means a lot you were touched by my message.

  8. absolutely beautiful, so sweet

  9. the world needs more children, like your son:)

  10. A lovely tribute to your son! My oldest son just left home (!) to be on his own. It is natural, and what I wanted him to do, but only another mother can know the painfulness of it. Not to see his smile--or any other mood--each day is--
    Your boy is obviously your sweet gift.
    Being in the gifted program should help with the bullying. (Those are the kids I teach.)

  11. pues he llorado un ratito Alma.
    Me has emocionado...
    tienes mucha suerte de tener a alguien tan especial contigo...
    a veces sobran las palabras, así que recibe mi corazón en lugar de ellas....y dale un trocito a tu hijo...


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