Made with Love

Monday, February 11, 2013

Nourishing the Spirit

I believe in passion 
Passion for leading a creative life 
It is a true nourishment of the spirit
the new Victoria Cowl in squash
What began as something to keep my hands busy,
Grew to be a quick obsession.
Never knowing it would take me places...
or surround me with some of the most amazing creative people.

the Astrid Cowl in carrot
These two new creations will be leaving me this week
and feel a bit of a loss as I have loved creating these babies.
But at the same time super excited they will a part of someone's life.
These "scrap wood hearts" were added to the shop by the captain.
We made these as gifts for some lovely neighbors for valentines day and I loved them so I thought I would share them in the shop.

This is his latest project for our home. It is also made from pallet wood like the hearts.
And I love to watch him work in his element.
And the king in his...
In a crowded stage of musicians I could only catch glimpses of the king all the way in the back.
He rocked the stage on those drums at the winter concert.

Lulu making valentines for  her friends

Stay tuned I will be having a giveaway soon only on my Instagram page.
We have grandma over next week for the king's 12th birthday. 
Have a great Valentine's day and thanks for the support!

love this old ad


  1. I love your cowls and feel the same way about my knitting :)

  2. Love the orange!
    And the wooden hearts are truly gorgeous. You have a talented family there.

    1. Many thanks Alison! The orange is favorite too. That wool from Uruguay is incredibly soft and yummy.
      We had a lot of fun making the hearts.

  3. I love that you began as a way to keep your hands busy. That's kind of why I started my keep my mind busy. It's so nice when creative outlets become passions and vice versa. Lovely new things your hands have made, Alma :)

    1. You are too sweet not only keeps my hand busy but mostly keeps me sane.
      We all moms need that in some form... daily.
      Thanks for the love ;)

  4. Comparto tu pasion!!! aunque a veces creo que se convierte en obsesion.....pero me gusta!!!
    Los cuellos son geniales Alma....y los corazones encanta tu familia creativa...como me gustaria estar mas cerca para escuchar un. concierto de the king...besos

    1. Ay Isa gracias... espero enviarte un regalito pronto.
      No porque me distes uno pero por todo... tu amistad
      Me alegro que te guste mis cuellos, a mi me encanta los tullos y mis chal lo adoro!
      Besos niña!

    2. noooo tu no tienes que regalarme nada!
      ya tengo tu mejor regalo, que eres tú misma!
      con eso estoy satisfecha.... siento no haber podido pasarme a comentar antes porque he tenido roto el pc.. pero ya he vuelto!!!

  5. It's amazing isn't it how something you pick up on a whim can turn into something that you "need" in your life. Mine was knitting, it was something I'd picked up and put down in very short bursts over the years and never really got past the knitting or purling stage...then just over a year ago I picked it up again and have never really put it down since,teaching myself more and more complicated processes from Google and Youtube videos...and now I can't imagine what I did with myself before. Loving the wooden hearts so much...your husband is very talented (as are you!!) :) x

    1. Oh Kelli and a talented knitter you are too.
      I have also learned a lot online as well. There is so much I want to learn.
      I find that it keeps me sane most of the time.
      Thanks for stopping by !

  6. Hello there!! Happy Valentine's Day!

    Stopping by from Tidbit Thursday Hop!!

    Take care,

  7. We need to thank Alison for connecting us! I am inspired by this, Alma and guess what? I don't knit but I paint and I build furniture and I make art from pallets and I am basically smiling from ear to ear having found you to connect with! I LOVE those scarves and hearts and I absolutely adore that buffet piece being built. Wahoo! New friend!

    1. Brittany I would love to see your work of art! I am so incredibly happy to have connected with you.
      So great to have similar interests and yes Wahoo!
      Thanks for the sweet comments and the follow on fb ;)

  8. How cool that your son plays the drums! Too bad it was tough for you to see him. But I bet you heard him!

    1. Yes Sherry he definitely was heard! I saw that you are a violin teacher. My son also takes cello lessons outside of school and he loves it. Thanks for stopping by and the follow!

  9. Beautiful cowls and such a talented family! Love your blog! So great to meet you through our shared love for Sarah's self-portrait project. :)

    1. Thanks Kristi ! So great we can connect.
      Love your blog as well ;)

  10. Hi Alma - how lovely to turn a much loved hobby and your beautiful creations into something a bit more and quite equally satisfying.

    Good luck - though I'm sure you won't need it.

    Nina xxx

    1. Thanks Nina ! I am loving your pictures on your site ;)
      Nice to see you here, have a great week!

  11. Beautiful! I wish I could knit or crochet. And that heart is wonderful. It takes a true artist to look at a pallet and think "I could turn that into something beautiful and useful".

    1. Thanks Audrey ! I also think it takes a real artist to cook the way you do ;)
      Thanks for stopping by and they lovely compliment!

  12. You create beautiful things which are a testament to your beautiful creative spirit! Keep it coming sister. I need to buy myself a gorgeous scarf soon!

    1. Thanks for your support and your comment.
      So happy to have connected with you and your lovely site.
      I would love to create something for you... more good things to come!

  13. Hi! So glad to find you via Liz Lamoreux. What a kind, creative spirit I see here. And ohh, your cowls are positively delicious. And that pallet hutch?! WHAT! I can't handle that level of amazing. Anyway, happy day to you!

    1. Amanda so nice we can connect. Thanks to Liz I found you and lovely magazine.
      The latest issue on friendship is one I would lie to read... at 40 I still am learning .
      So happy to know you like our creations, we take joy in handcrafting items.
      So loving your publication and will be reading ;)

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