Made with Love

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Grand Opening of my shop and a discount !

I officially opened my Esty Shop two days ago and was overwhelmed with a lot of lovely good wishes from friends everywhere. It is a grueling process but oh, so much fun .... and I still have a lot to learn in this process. If you have a shop on Etsy drop me line with some tips that would be helpful to this newbie.
old photo of me "yarn bombing" in NY

I am so thankful for my beautiful friend Kim that offered to model my stuff and I think
it looks great on her... isn't she pretty?
Please visit her business fb page here she is a successful consultant for Tastefully SimpleHer foods are delicious, easy & simple to prepare, and only require two added ingredients or less to make. Tastefully Simple products include seasonings, mixes for breads, drinks, soups, desserts, open & enjoy items, and more. Feel free to ask her about placing an order, hosting a tasting or catalog party, or becoming a consultant!

I decided to officially kick off the opening I would have a discount code only available here.
For the next 5 days in honor of Groundhog Day I will have a 10% discount on my shop.
When making a purchase at Alma Boheme enter the code GROUNDHOG10.
The sale ends February 3rd at midnight.
If Punxsutawney Phil (aka Mr. Groundhog) sees his shadow, what better way than to celebrate the next six weeks with one of my designs? Trying to make a connection here.
the king took this candid shot of me
I love the beauty of a handmade product. I take so much joy in the entire process from carefully selecting the yarn to weaving the ends... the process from the beginning to the end is a wonderful dance. I physically get excited over each project. Creating is what makes me happy. Please take a look at the shop; I will be adding new items very soon, which I will post mostly on my Facebook , Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest Pages.

Thanks again for all your support on my new adventure!


  1. Felicidades mi niña!!!!!!
    tu tienda es fantástica.. y estoy segura de que nos vas a sorprender con muchas bellezas deseables a partir de ahora!!!! Te deseo la mayor de las suertes con este nuevo proyecto y sobre todo te deseo que lo disfrutes mucho!!!!
    Kim es preciosa.... y esta entrada tiene unas fotos muy bonitas de ti.. me encantan.. como siempre....
    Un beso muy grande mi niña!

    1. Isa tu eres la major inspiración para esto... siempre empujando me. Gracias por los deseos tan lindas.
      gracias por todo como siempre niña.
      besos a todos!

  2. I wish I could read Spanish! I see my name! :)

  3. Alma, if you send me a little blog button (like 150x150) that links back to your store or this site, I'd love to give you some ad space in my sidebar. I just love love love your beautiful pieces of wearable art :) check out my place and see if we'd be a good fit and my email is

    1. Holy canoli! Color me happy go lucky! Oh my Sarah you made my week.
      I will be sending you a button as soon as I make one.
      My little blog and store is loving this right now.
      Thanks for the pump and the sweet comments!

  4. I'm so excited for you, congratulations!!
    I have a bloggy friend who loves supporting women and their wonderful businesses, I'll see if I can score you a sidebar button on her blog (you can check Kiran out in the meantime, she's at

    1. Oh Alison you are too sweet! I love all you do, so thankful for all the "pimping" :)
      Thank you for supporting this small space and my small shop.
      I will check her out !

  5. Well done Alma! I'd really like to open a little Etsy shop too one day, but it's tough finding the time. Good on you for getting round to it. Lovely things in there too :)

    1. It does take time to do and a lot of stress. But so much fun! Even if you put up a few things it may be worth it.
      Thanks Polly for the sweet wishes and compliments it means so much ;)

  6. How exciting! Your stuff is gorgeous. Good luck on your new endeavor!


    1. Thanks Kathy, you are sweet. I am loving my new adventure ;)

  7. Hi Alma,

    Wow... Congratulations dear :)

    That's wonderful indeed and one of bests milestones of your life for sure :)

    Good luck with it and I'm sure you gonna make it a HUGE success over time :)


    1. Thanks Mayura! I appreciate the good wishes from someone who is a success too :)

  8. This is read to read!...Good luck with your new store. All the best Monika.

    1. opps sorry, I meant to write "great to read"!.


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