Made with Love

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Now is Right on Time

After the new year I was clear on my goals even if I did not share them with you.
Reading other peoples goals and things they want for the new year was inspiring.
One in particular stood out for me ... Lexalex's list was simple and a lot like mine.
But the typical libra tends to over-think things and so 
I had these voices competing in my head and listening to the wrong ones caused self-doubt to take over.
So I just kept knitting and knitting and knitting ....because that is the only way I keep sane.

So the the voices kept on..
"where does this blog go from here?" 
"I stink at this SAHM thing....! "
"Do I want to go back to work?"
"Oh I want to try that , and that and that pattern"
"My sewing machine is collecting dust and stares at me ... waiting"
"There is so much I want to do.... Why do I feel like I have no time left?"
***just keep knitting***

After I saw this quote I had an "aha moment" ...
~quote by Asha Tyson~
Right on! And just like that the universe spoke back.
I had friends I haven't spoken to in awhile contacting me asking me if I sell my handmade things.
To have friends say "make me something... I love everything you make". It gave me the push I needed.
I wanted a shop for sometime but did not think I was ready.
There is only one way to find out ... and so I will be working on opening a shop on Etsy.
Just a few items first will be on sale and will be adding more along the way.
I have a lot to learn and so I will be doing lots of studying on this world of online selling.

The answers started coming...
"I have all I need"
"I don't have to rush time, just enjoy it"
'This blog is a log. It moves at my pace, and I'm fine with that."
"My kids got to bed happy and wake up singing... at the end of the day I rock this SAHM thing"
"I want an online shop and create... I don't want a regular job, I have been working the grind too long"
" I will be trying something new every day , no matter how small."

These are the happenings in my life since my last log...
I have added some of my old projects and new ones on my Ravelry Projects page.

The captain is working on some new projects in the shed to be added to our home soon.
He is also officially on payroll for the first time in the new city.

The King is mastering the cello and growing a mustache... he takes after me, although I've never tried the cello

The little one is taking interest in helping me around the house.
I sent out my first giveaway and hope she likes it.
Enjoying the porch-life in unseasonably warm temperatures in January.

I have loved all the comments and requests from friends.
The inspiration I have received from this lovely mum and this one has moved me to try new things.
Like baking for starters.. and it wasn't a disaster.

Any tips on starting an online shop ?
Have you started on your goals?


  1. Thank you for the lovely mention and link. I love this post, completely true, and you are certainly not alone in the self doubting questions. I feel I'm always questioning whether I'm doing the right thing, but I realise I'll never know if I am or not and so I just try and do what feels right in the moment.

    I've also been considering whether I should open an Etsy shop...but I'm still very much in the thinking it over stage.

    And as for baking, so glad you've been trying it, it's never a disaster, just a learning with yummy goodies at the end of it! :)

    1. Kelli, mentioning your blog is an honor. I feel very lucky to have found it and keep up with your projects on IG is a pleasure. You would do great with a shop. I love everything you make and you inspire me to try new things. ... so thank you.

  2. Thanks for sharing my blog. I'm so excited for you and hope you enjoy selling on Etsy. :)


    1. Alexa, I think you are way talented and if I could try to get you some more traffic your way to your shop/blog it would be great. I love creative space and how you share it.
      Are you on Instagram?

  3. Thank you for the mention, my friend and can I say, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU.
    Your creations are beautiful, and you must absolutely believe in yourself. Confidence starts within. You have it in you!
    Good luck and I can't wait to see where you go (many places, I believe).

    1. I might just make you gush here... but you are a big reason this is happening . I feel lucky to have you in my circle of people that push and inspire me to be better. Thank you for your lovely comment Alison ;)

  4. EStoy muy orgullosa de tí!!!!
    estoy deseando ver tus cosas en Etsy....compartiré tu tienda con todo el mundo!!!
    genial amiga... sabes que tienes mi apoyo incondicional... maravillosas las fotos, como siempre... me encanta ver al nuevo músico de la familia.... un beso para todos ♥

    1. Gracias linda!! You se que tu eres mi "biggest fan" y eres una amiga tremenda. Gracias por todo y por ser una gran inspiración hacia este nuevo capitulo.

  5. Alma, I'm so excited for you and your Etsy shop! I know several people who have supplemented their income by doing just that. Congratulations on being Right on Time!

    1. Sweet Molly Jo, thank you. I hope to make something eventually but now my goal is to make some of my friends happy and learn some new things. This is all so new and I know nothing about this process. So there is a lot to learn but I am excited. Thanks for your lovely comment.

  6. Hooray for your new shop! I know exactly what you mean about questioning yourself like this. I do the same thing, and have come to feel that it is cyclical and good because it I think it means you are always trying to be sure you are pulling the most there is out of life and not just settling. It's scary, but better than saying, "I wish I had . . . "

    1. Thanks for saying that... sometimes I forget there is a method to the madness. I seem to come out of it refreshed and renewed. But yes, no "i should haves " ... thank you thank you! I always love when you stop by :)

  7. Alma, I'm so glad Alison led me to your place. It's full of such beauty and I really love visiting. the quote above about our journeys molding us for the greater good--exactly what I needed to read. Rock on soulful woman :)

    1. Sarah I am so glad this quote spoke to you as it did to me. This is my space to share and connect with great people and any friend of Alison is a friend of mine. So glad you enjoy visiting it means a lot.

  8. Your stuff is beautiful. Good luck on your shop!!


    1. Thanks Cathy!! I have been so busy but I must come by and visit you soon :)


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