Made with Love

Sunday, October 7, 2012


A few weeks ago the captain promised to make me something from pallet boards.
The project was inspired after seeing Stella's lovely post about her pallet table.
He spent the many hours in a day hammering, sawing, chiseling and sanding ... sanding a lot.
Took a needed break for the time he was sick and came right back to work when he was better.
It was a true labor of love.
Finally completed in time for my birthday and I was so excited to finally get to use it.
He made a video that captures his love for this piece.
Enjoy! ...Watch it in the bigger view to get the full effect...

"..the sandman is waiting to deliver me my dream...
Watch the wheels the wheels go...
Make way, for whatever will be, will be
The sandman is waiting to deliver me my dream..."

This piece that we like to call "Cabiknit" will hold all my yarn.
It will no longer be hiding in plastic bins.

Now it will be lovely displayed in the room that is just called the "craft room".
I call visually see what I have at a glance without having to search through bins of yarn.
This handmade beautifully uniquely crafted piece is a real masterpiece.
Love the knots in the wood, the mesh of different types of wood and the old scars showing through.

The princess helped me fill it up

 I am so in love with it...thanks captain!

My birthday weekend pics:
We went to a kids concert with some of Lulu's friends at the local library and fell in love with a cello and a 200 year old bass
the king had a sleepover the princess worked on her art skills and went to town
drunk from his root beer float we got cuddly...notice my veins (knitter/crochet hands)
my fave pic of the bunch

Can't wait to get started on some new projects.
Had a blast celebrating my 40ith in our own quiet fashion.
Thanks for all the lovely wishes I received. 
My heart is now full at 40.

** Be sure to check out the little blog's facebook page now up here.


  1. EStaba deseando ver las fotos.. pero el vídeo ha sido totalmente espectacular... Peter es increible!!!!! me parece precioso,no precioso es una palabra que no lo describe... y no conozco la palabra adecuada!!!
    Las fotos en las que tienes ya tu lana colocada.. me parecen mágicas!!!
    Una vez más me gustaría poder ir a visitarte, ver los colores, jugar con las texturas, imaginar los chales, los jerseys.... tejer en tu porche!!!!!!!
    Me encantan las fotos de tus 40... qué más se puede pedir a la vida??? Creo que lo tienes todo para ser feliz... el capitán y los niños cuidarán de que seas feliz toda tu vida... (bueno y tus amigos, por supuesto ;)
    Ahora quiero ver cada proyecto elaborado con esas lanas que son casi casi tan bonitas como tú
    Besos a todos.... felicidades al capitán por esas manos maravillosas... y felicidades a la niña de 40 años más guapa del mundo!!!

    1. Gracias Isa! No te castigo, puedes escribir todo lo que quieres.
      Mi capitan si que es magnifico y me sorprende todo los dias con lo que hace con las manos.
      Espero hacer mas cositas.
      Ahora que tienes tu tienda quiero comprar algo de ti.
      Gracias por tus palabras lindas como siempre.

    2. Nooooo...... quiero hacerte algo especial para tí... pero no lo podrás comprar... será un regalo de hermana! ♥

  2. What a gorgeous handmade work of love.
    As are you, happy 40th beautiful!

    1. Thanks Alison! Need something made? he can make it... I dont know that we can ship it to you though.
      Thanks for the lovely wishes!

  3. Pedrito is so damn talented. ;)
    Love the video. He is just awesome.

    1. Thanks Adri! I wished he believed it more often.
      He is though, I see it more and more it is getting easier.

  4. WOW!!! It's gorgeous! I want one! I was running lsat week & ran past a construction site where they had a pallet board just lying there, had the crew been there I would have asked if I could have it if they were done with it!

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!! Gorgeous family!

    1. Nice to meet you Kate! We are always looking around for pallets just lying around too. Luckily the pallets for this project was given to us by a dear friend that manages a store. Thanks for the follow and birthday wishes. I will be checking out your site very soon.

  5. WOW! The cabiknit is amazing!! It's beautiful and clever and the video is lovely too! Lucky girl! Happy birthday by the way! It seems you had a great time! Big BIG hugs from Mexico!

    1. Andrea te digo que le quedo bello. The pictures do not do it justice. Do you have a place like this for your stash?
      I am so loving all of your new creations. I hope one day to own an original of yours. Gracias for los deseos Y por las palabras dulce como siempre. Ciao!

  6. That truly is a thing of beauty - you have one very talented man there.

    Gorgeous family pictures Alma,

    Nina x

    1. Nina you are sweet to notice that talent. That man amazes me with what he can create.
      That is why I share him here... he cannot be bothered with blogging or sharing it himself.

  7. Cabinknit, great name! Love this project! I made a small bookshelf out of pallet wood years ago. It was a pain getting out all those screws but I love free wood! Love how you have some extra spaces left to fill!

    Happy Birthday, Alma!!!

    1. Those pesky screws can be a pain.
      But for the free wood we made the extra effort to make this happen.
      Thanks for the wishes Ann!
      He came up with "cabiknit"...

  8. Alma, this post is simply inspiring! The Captain does the most amazing work, and it inspires me to be more creative in my own home. I love love love it all. Wonderful photos, too. I'm so pinning this to remember!

    1. Thank you so much Molly Jo! So happy to have inspired you... hope to see your creative projects in your home.

  9. Your cabiknit is lovely and special I'm sure you will get a lot of use from it. It looks as if your birthday weekend was a great one and I'm very happy about that.

  10. So glad you like it... I love handmade gifts.

  11. wooooohhhhh me encanta el mueble!!!!!!!! queda impresionante con todas las lanas de colores. Mi marido es también bastante manitas y me encanta, me parece tan masculino :-) Tienes suerte de que dedique tiempo para hacerte algo tan bonito

    1. Gracias ! Me hace contenta cada vez que lo veo . Es cierto que tengo suerte con el y su talento me impresiona todo los días.


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