Made with Love

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My 110th Day

I believe I have been shaped by the places I have lived
With hardship, despair and sadness everywhere at every turn, it can take a toll on a person
And at some point you can't help but lose a bit of faith in humanity.
The shiny core that makes us unique slowly gets duller and duller.
Had we not made a drastic change in our scenery I fear to think where my state of mind might be.
It is my 110th day here in the new change... yes I counted.
There are signs of life now where once was none.
There is paint on the brushes of the captain 10 years later...

 There are ancient stories being retold in pencil...

There are old projects that are now being completed and on their way to a new home

There is a Ray Bradbury fan who is coming into his own as writer himself.

There is a princess who is learning about being a lady and teaching me to be a better mother along the way
...and yes takes the occasional siesta.

There is our porch where the door is always open...

to spend our days ....
and nights

Then there are moments that complete me and restore my faith in people.
When a mother takes the time to write me a list of fun things to do in a new city...
it made my day ...

Chestnut greeting me

Some warm gooey mentions...
Alison's beautiful written post on the belief on the good eggs out there warmed my heart.
My friend Isabel opened a lovely shop of beautiful handmade things that inspires me every day.

Hope your week is filled with warm gooey good stuff.


  1. Beautiful post Alma! You inspire all of us as well I think :)

    1. Thanks Lydia ... you inspire me to me a better crafty momma. You have some great ideas with a great sense of humor.

  2. Alma, it makes my heart happy to read and see how beautiful your life is right now. Change is not always a bad thing, is it?

    Thank you for mentioning my post. I'm so glad you liked it. xo

    1. That great post was one to be shared... my pleasure.

  3. Your pictures make everything look so tranquil. It is nice to see it after my hectic week.

    1. Awww so glad I was able to help your day in some way.
      Thanks, your writing always takes me on a fun journey.

  4. Tú si que me inspiras a mi cada día.. me dejas sin palabras pero con el "alma" llena de alegría..
    Muchisimas gracias por la mención en tu blog... tu eres un poco culpable de todo ésto.. quizás sin haber contactado contigo hace ya unos meses no hubiera seguido adelante con la historia del blog y la pequeña tienda...
    no dejes de inspirar cada momento de mis días.
    (un secreto: cada mañana, cuando me levanto, enciendo el teléfono y veo si has puesto algo nuevo ... y cuando llego a casa te contesto...) mucho amor para ti!!!

    1. la mencion ... de nada Isa ;)
      Gracias por dejarme saber que te empuje a seguir como tu me haces a mi.
      Espero poner mas cositas aquí para que entretiene.


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