Made with Love

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Sana Sana...

The ocean has been calling me
I haven't seen it in a long time.
I often have dreams with the ocean in it. It is where I feel most at home.
Being born on a caribbean island , not being able to be close to water I felt a part of me was lost.
One of the things that drew me to move here was how close we would be to the beach.
Now I can say I truly feel most at home, since I was a child.

One of my favorite earliest childhood memories was on the beach in Puerto Rico.
I had asthma as a young child. Once I had an asthma attack on the beach and my parents had put a thick layer of wet sand all over my chest to relieve it. I could hear their voices whispering "sana sana..." I have always known since then that the ocean heals.
It holds great power.
We had made this trip to the beach for a nice stroll on the sand and take in the scenery.
My kids agreed it would be fine to skip on the bathing suits this time.
We knew we would be back for a dip soon.
But the king could not help himself once he heard the call of the ocean...
He stood for a moment and without hesitation jumped in.
It was the happiest I have seen him in a long time.
Knowing we had no change of clothes ... this city kid for the first time did not care.
He was carefree.
He was healing.
drenched in bliss
shell hunting
The princess took a bit longer to hear the call. So she kept busy collecting seashells...
Until her feet tasted that water I saw her change before me.
She cried real tears when we had to leave... and kept looking back as she walked away.
Like leaving an good friend she just made...I know that feeling

Even though this place is close to home it was hard to leave.
This has to be one of the most beautiful places on earth.
So clean, never crowded, shells a plenty and beautiful pristine sand.
As if that wasn't enough we were greeted with a rainbow in the horizon before we left.

I saw it move!
We are not done.
There is still so much to be learned.
There is so much the ocean has not told us
So we will be back to  heal once more
I whisper "sana, sana..."


  1. Hi Alma, wow your photos are breathtaking and your children are gorgeous! Thanks for popping by and saying hi :) x

    1. Thanks Andrea! Loved your post and pictures on Capturing Childhood.
      So appreciate the follow and looking forward to keeping up with you and your little ones across the globe.

  2. Your pictures are so beautiful! I would cry too when it was time to leave.

    1. Thanks Stela! You are too sweet. It seems like you and my girl have similar spirits.

  3. sana sana
    culito de rana
    si no sana hoy
    sanará mañana

    ..... esto lo decimos a los niños para las pupitas del cuerpo y los mayores para las pupas del alma

    El mar es curativo, emocionante y necesario.. que gusto poder veros a todos disfrutar tanto de él, jugar con las olas y la arena....
    las fotos son maravillosas, Alma, como siempre sabes captar lo más importante de cada momento.

    1. si , y yo se lo digo a mi niños también.
      Gracias Isa. Espero jugar mas en el mar. Realmente que quiero regresar pronto.
      Veras que si gozamos montones ;)

  4. Beautiful soothing post. Beautiful beach too! I grew up on Cape Cod and it was definitely hard to be away from the ocean for many years too : )

  5. What amazing photos. Thanks for stopping by my page. I'm definitely going to follow your blog!

    1. Molly Jo it will be fun following each other on this ride. So happy you are coming along.

  6. Oh Alma - I so hear you.

    Having children with eczema the only thing that helps soothe their skin is the sea - it is such a great power and a wonder and on a daily basis I am always in awe of it.

    take care and have a fabulous day,

    Nina xxx

    ps. your beach looks breath taking. x

    1. I had no idea about eczema. My son had a small case of it when he was a baby. All natural cures are good to know, so thank you. I am sure I will find other healing qualities about it now that I will be visiting the sea more.
      So glad we will be trading beach stories now!
      Thanks NIna! always great to see you .
      Have a great week!

  7. i LOVE the ocean. the photos are gorgeous. i can almost feel the wind on my face.


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