Made with Love

Friday, July 6, 2012

Learning to swim

We had planned to see the fireworks in town.
As things go here, we have to learn that in Georgia...
the plan is to not have one
to go with the f l o w

I have never known how much of a New Yorker I was until I was here
so I am learning the ways of the south
and s l o w d o w n

So we went with the flow and had a blast on a quiet fourth of July.
Spent with family, good food, new friends and a birthday in between.
The day was spent pool side and watched as my kids shed their city feet and grow fins.
The night was lit up with front step fireworks and laughter.

The king learned to swim in one day and conquered his fear.
But it will take a bit longer for me to learn to slow it down although I have no fear.

So proud of this I have said before...he is the bravest person I know.
Thanks again to the "drill sergeant" for  being an awesome teacher!

"so how does it feel to swim for the first time?"
" I feel free"... (insert mile wide smile)
This is one of the many firsts for this family.
Here is the link to the king swimming.

the king watching on
the captain sparkles on
Have you learned to do something in one day?
Have you conquered any fear?


  1. It looks as though you had an amazing fourth! Coming from a non-New Yorker, but a fellow planner, it can be hard to let go and just go with the flow, but it looks like it worked out for you just fine! =)

    1. Thanks for stopping by Chloe Jacqueline! I am still struggling with it but I am up for the challenge .
      You have a great blog!

  2. Oh me encanta la página de tu nueva ciudad... voy a verla entera ahora mismo!!!!!
    Que bonita tu princesa aprendiendo a nadar... mis tres pequeñajos están aprendiendo estos días aquí, en la piscina... Los mellizos casi lo hacen solos, y Juan es más miedoso...
    A mi me cuesta mucho vencer mis miedos, a veces lo he hecho porque no me ha quedado otra opción!
    Besos para todos

    1. MI nene fue que aprendio a nadar... mi nena aprendio a no tenerle miedo al aqua. Ella le falta un poco mas a aprender a nadar pero llega... lo se.
      Que bien que los tullos aprenden a nadar!
      Besos bella y a todos!

  3. That is great! I want my kids to learn this summer!!! Going to get them lessons in August hopefully. I remember learning to ride my bike when I was only 3. My 5 year old sister was being taught and I quietly followed along. That is another thing I need to work on with my kids!

    1. Ann, swimming is a great thing to learn as well as biking.
      The bike is next.
      It is something that lasts forever and a great workout.

  4. Oh Alma - that sounds so lovely and....relaxed.

    Happy belated 4th July.

    Nina xxx

    1. Thanks Nina!
      We are having a great relaxing time.


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