Made with Love

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Freedom and Fireworks

Our first package in the mail of our new home gave us some play things.
Not the contents but the box itself.
My mother sent us a box of antique dolls for the princess because she loves them... I won't creep you out with a picture
We instead had us some cardboard fun!
Today is independence day.
We will be celebrating our freedom.
The freedom to play in a big empty space make something out of nothing laugh till our bellies hurt not have routines make our own fireworks fight and play whenever we please

my favorite picture of the bunch
The freedom to cool off on our own sun room.

To play video games with his cousin

To enjoy her pool

To sleep with sunshine on our face

To have plenty of space to cook

To be outside in our pajamas

To use bubble wrap as your personal fireworks
in a room that echoes
To play dress up

To make new friends

Enjoy your independence and celebrate!


  1. The best Independence Day I have heard about yet!!! That is it, oh, and I love the photos : )

    1. Thanks Ann! So glad that you liked it. It has been a real growing experience for us all.
      Hope you enjoyed your holiday.

  2. Love all your photos! Your new home looks beautiful! I also love your favorite photo. I love that your son is protecting her and leading her away from "danger".

    1. Thanks Stela! I can't wait to fill it with things that symbolize our spirit and make it homey.
      Playing with cardboard sure is fun... makes your imagination run wild.

  3. Alma, me encantan todas las fotos... he sentido un poco por aquí también vuestra fiesta de la independencia, con todas esas risas, y juegos.... tu casa me parece "de película"... tal y como siempre soñé que sería una casa en américa... sólo me falta verte a ti cocinando en ella ....
    Que buen comienzo para tu nueva vida, llena de ilusión y momentos divertidos en familia... recibe un montón de besos de tu familia española. ♥

    1. Isa me hace alegre que te guste las fotos!
      Esta casa es como un sueño... tanto tiempo en un espacio tan pequeño....
      Ahora para decorar y hacer esta casa que dice "alma vive aquí".
      La vida es muy corta para quedarse en lo mismo.
      Me siento feliz y vivo en los momentos.
      Gracias por ustedes y su amistad aunque lejos.

  4. Looks like a glorious time was had by all!

    1. For sure Alison! GIve me an huge empty space and I will wreck the place with some F-U-N.

  5. LOVE this post! the first day in a new home = freedom of a new kind, to be sure. new setting, new stories! photos are fab! (swimming pool!!!)

    1. Thanks Margo! We are having so much fun with all the new experiences.
      Coming from a fast paced life in NY, we are learning to slow down and enjoying it.
      Cant wait to take more pictures when the weather isn't so hot.
      Always nice to see you stopping by ;)

  6. I love your porch! what a lovely place to relax.

    Do you have many spiders there?


  7. yes, tiny ones that I have seen so far. we have a lovely assortment of bugs and birds.
    This city family has a lot to get used to but we love it all!
    The porch is great in the morning before it gets hot and watch all the birds... and at night with candles and string lights.


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