Made with Love

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Birth to New

Moving is a lot like giving birth
There is extreme emotion, intense pain, bursts of happiness, dramatic hysteria, cursing, pungent smells... and not many moments to collect yourself, fix your hair and make sense of it all.
Afterwards it is a huge weight that has been lifted.
After all the labor you are left with something beautiful and new.
Not yet knowing what to do with it but excited and loving every second.

I did not have much time for clicking but snapped what I could on my phone.
Above are the images during the move.
The last place we ate at. The packing of the pod and the car. A few treats for me to keep me sane. The king and I having some fun in an empty apartment.

On the road... a Virginia sunset, me having cabin fever, the princess checking out the bible at the hotel, some road trip knitting, and refueling for coffee.

In Savannah... some treasures (beads) the captain found digging in the yard, the princess having a siesta on the rug. She never naps like this ... I thought if she can nap in a bright room by herself, we are home.

It is our first full day here and we are loving our home, this beautiful city and its people.
Many thanks go to so many good friends that helped us move and paint our apartment.
Much love to our neighbors who wished us well and gave us gifts.
The amount of love that we received from unexpected people is truly heartfelt.
And thanks to all of our beautiful friends and family in Savannah for welcoming us.
You are made dreams come true for us.

What new have you given birth to?


  1. Hello Alma.

    I've been waiting with anticipation on the news of your move - I'm so glad you've made it and are settling in.

    Have a lovely weekend,

    Nina x

  2. Nina, so nice to hear form you. I have been too busy to go visit you but so glad you commented. I hope to be posting all about my adventures here soon. I will be catching up with some of my favorite people including you this coming week.
    Thanks for being so encouraging and positive during the tough months of the move, even if across the globe you were always here.

  3. Tengo tantas preguntas que hacerte....
    cómo encontrasteis esa casa?
    teneis familia cerca, además de Adriana?
    como te sientes?
    como se siente tu marido y tus hijos?
    como va a ser ahora vuestra vida?
    que pena estar tan lejos y no poder tomar un café juntas y hablar de todo ésto, que me cuentes tu nueva vida...
    Nosotros estamos de vacaciones y de nuevo unos días en la playa ayudan a ordenar mis pensamientos, necesitaba descansar y parar un poco el estrés.
    Como, duermo, tejo, río amo..
    Pensé mucho en tí estos días, y compartí tu viaje asomándome cada 5 minutos a mi teléfono a ver si tenías novedades....
    Espero que esta nueva vida haya comenzado con mucha ilusión y estoy segura de que TODO VA A IR BIEN!!!
    MIL millones de besos para los 4, de nosotros 5. ♥

    1. La casa pues: grande, mucha luz, me encanta que la cocina es en el centro de todo... es perfecta.
      Me siento: cansada, enferma, emocionante, nerviosa but excited too, enamorada con la casa y ciudad
      Ellos y el capitan: como yo
      Oh como me encanta tener y cafesito contigo en mi balcon!
      Espero que la playa te valla bien. El mar siempre me mejora a mi "puts me back into place"
      Si se que estaba desconectada pero espero no estaré tan lejos ahora.
      Todavia tengo mucho que hacer, pero no como antes.
      Gracias por tus bendiciones y consejos... como siempre me hacen sentir mejor
      Como mi hermana lejos, nunca se siente así.

  4. Its going to be nice to hear about your life in Savannah, I don't really know much about it so it will be good to hear about it through your stories.

    1. I am going to have great fun documenting this city's treasures and all the cool events this summer.
      It will be great to share this with you!
      Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Glad you made it to the other side of that mountain! And what an exciting new fresh start! Best wishes for your new adventure and looking forward to seeing Savannah through your eyes! Love the phone photos especially the screen - so cool!

    1. Thanks Ann! Cant wait to share it with you and hopefully entice you and others to visit.

  6. I've moved 5 times in the last three months, so I definitely feel your pain. I'm about to move AGAIN two weeks from today. Yikes! Hope you manage to settle in well...happy thoughts going your way.

    1. Wow that is a lot of moving. I can honestly say that I cannot do this again for a looong time. It is so stressful. Thanks for you positivity and I will be sending it right back to you. Hope it is a smooth transition. Much luck!


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