Made with Love

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Conversations with scars

I believe that water heals and cleanses my scars.
I have a scar in my gut aching me. I am usually lead by gut feelings so the ache is hard to shake.
Almost four years ago I was cut open in an emergency C section so
my daughter could be born healthy.
At times of distress this scar often talks to me.
In a recent shower we had an enlightening conversation.
But first an update...
we pack up she cleans her house
I have been silent for a week.
I needed to be alone with my own thoughts.
The walls were closing in on me ... with the more boxes we stacked the more I got lost.

Much like Artax sinking into the sea of sadness, I could no longer hear Atreyu.
I started to get ill, getting aches is strange places and just wanted to sleep and sleep.
The king who knows me best said "mom, you don't look like you".
I said " I feel this house is sad because it knows I'm leaving. It reminded me of that movie
where the store gets dark and sad because it knows the owner is leaving."
My mind could only think in movie references.
I just balled... and then I remembered my favorite quote from that movie..
" 37 seconds...we breathe. We pulse. We regenerate. Our hearts beat. Our minds create.
Our souls ingest. 37 seconds, well used is a lifetime."
I cried now like a warrior knowing the reasons I was here.
my goofy kid
In that shower epiphany I asked my scar why it aches.
My scar opened its lips and answered ... "remember your pain here and how you healed."
How much pain was housed here and the suffering I endured.
I was cut open, my guts were violated...but every time I held my daughter to nurse
she healed my scar like this water heals me.
This home being gutted and stripped and boxed was making me feel the same.
My children healed me again with their sense of adventure for every day
and not being phased by the chaos but just making the most of it.
the princess in her castle of boxes
I always listen to my gut, so this scar will always speak to me and I will listen.
My gut has spoken of nervous butterflies, being in love, sneaking suspicions,
female intuitions, crazy impulses...and a sixth sense to know when I have lost my moxie.

In exactly a week from today a pod will be here to carry all our belongings to our new home.
Need a visual of what they are?... here it is.
Internet permitting I hope to post my travels and the new home.

Tell me what do your scars tell you?
What do you do when you lose your moxie?


  1. Whenever you need to write you have my wifi and my yard to sit in to write. xoxo

  2. Me gusta descubrirte a través de todo lo que leo sobre tí.
    Te siento muy cerca con todo ésto?
    Me gustaría ayudar en el traslado
    me gustaría quedarme con tus hijos mientras organizas todo, para que estés más tranquila...
    mis cicatrices me hablan de momentos dolorosos, últimamente no hablo mucho con ellas.
    Algunas veces mis cicatrices desaparecen... otras se ven de color tan intenso que deslumbran...
    Una semana para que empiece otro capítulo de tu vida

    1. Gracias Isa como siempre sabes como responder aunque se que el idioma es difícil the traducir exacto.
      Yo uso el diccionario cuando me se ve olvida algunas palabras.
      Mi nene va a estar en la escuela hasta lo ultimo. Y la niña va a estar con mi mama es ultima semana durante el día.
      Pero seria una ayuda si podías!
      Besos xoxox

  3. Hi I have just found your blog, and I can totally relate. I have scars from childbirth, cancer, loss and tradgety. My scars tell me to be brave, be strong. I am the warrior of this house, my scars tell me when something is missing in heart or foe, I go about silently fixing things. I hope you don't move too far from Brooklyn, I love it there and will be back in NYC on Independence day. I hope you pop on over and say hi! I love your pictures. x Roberta

    1. Roberta thanks for stopping by! I so greatly appreciate stories like yours.
      Your blog is lovely and your shop is incredibly special. Those lovely clothes are the ones that you hand down to generations and keep in the family. Very beautiful !
      I will be living in Savannah, Ga. I bit far but I am still keeping my apartment in NY to rent.
      I still have family here so I will be back. Hope you have a great time in NY, Brooklyn is a great place to visit in the summer -a lot of events happening here.

  4. i think I lost my moxie today, I hope it comes back tomorrow.

    1. Good news!! My weatherman just said that the heat wave here has brought some moxie your way.
      The longest day of the summer can be hard without moxie.
      Hope you find it! Thanks for stopping by :)

  5. Your scars are what make you, you. Lovely post, Alma.

    Good luck with the move!

    1. Thanks Alison! Hope you get some "me time" today on the longest day of the summer.

  6. I hear you on how much moving and packing and sorting through things brings a lot of other issues up to the surface. You will get through it, I'm sure and have a nice new living situation to show for it:)

    1. Thanks Gillian! Good luck of everything on your move.

  7. Beautiful post. I can't even imagine leaving a home that has that many memories.

    1. It can be hard. But it also makes me think I want to live with less and make the most out of it. We don't have much but it does accumulate .
      Glad you are following my journey.
      So happy for your shop too.

  8. Beautiful post.

    I have a scar too. Mine in extra long and numb for an emergency surgery after my csection. I thought I would resent my child because of the csection but that was a silly though and completely didn't happen. Probably mine din't speak because it is numb but I hope is will someday day.

    I know what you mean about sadness with moving. It is so powerful. It just ambushes you. Hang in there and hopefully the excitement of the move will replace it - hugs my new friend!

    1. Aww you are too sweet Ann! After a difficult pregnancy if can be easy to think you may have resentment. For me it was all hard, one day I will write a post about it.
      Thanks for the advice ! Cant wait to show you my new place!
      Have a great weekend!


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