Made with Love

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Late last night some wild worries that have pitched a tent and decided to camp out in my mind.
The king will be making a three day trip tomorrow with his school to Philadelphia.
He has traveled by himself before to Puerto Rico.
But even still I worry ...

Will he know what to do if the bus driver is having a stroke?
Will he bathe ?
Will he eat?
Will he call me before he goes to bed at night?

But I am reminded about his adventurous spirit and his wild heart, and I know he is fine.
I am reminded that he is nicknamed "king" after Maurice Sendak's story Where the Wild Things Are.
I am reminded he is a lover of wild woods and the great outdoors since he was born.
Max the king, the ruler of all wild things...happy adventuring!
and be still my heart

I dedicate this to him and all those wild at heart

RIP Maurice Sendak


  1. Es muy dificil apartar los fantasmas cuando vienen a visitarnos.... pero como tu misma dices, su corazón aventurero hará que todo vaya bien...
    Love this song..............

  2. He will be fine he is old enough. Ms.M spend the weekend in the woods with girl scouts she was 8. ;) he will love it and you will be better for letting him go.

    1. Thanks Adri! I love that Ms. M is an adventurer like the king. ;)


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