Made with Love

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Saving Time and #IPPP

Maybe its my age, or the recent tragedies or the weather but all I want to do is stop time. More like pause it at certain moments. I feel like there is much time I have missed and need to make up for. I was a working mom most of my kids' life. Its been two years since I was working up to 12 hours daily and I am still adjusting to the change. 

I wonder if my little one will remember our walks from school together and any of our conversations. Every step she takes has a purpose and does not miss a beat. Yesterday she avoided stepping on all the anthills in her path as to not disturb them eating lunch (she would say).

Today she looked at all the patterns the trees shadows made on the ground. She said "look momma the trees made lace today". Then as we passed by the local farm on the way and saw a peacock walking in the shadows. (how i wish my camera would have captured it). Her eyes widened her little body froze... (not every day you see a peacock roaming about ). Her little voice whispered "wow".
Oh how I wish I could bottle these moments...
Savor it 
the king at his writing space
I remember when I was younger and a good friend had passed away I wanted to do something so our friendship could be remembered. I had a tin box that I kept things that were special to us ... small diary, pictures, jewelry I made, candy and some other trinkets. I buried this box in a park in her memory. I am in the process of making a sort of memory box for my kids... because its not really possible to stop time but I can pause it in a box. I thought it would be cool years later for them to find it and experience me at a time when they were little and find out what they were like.

I am also taking time to garden which I have never really done before. The captain is the gardener.
Learning for him to enjoy the seeds we sow.
Amaryllis derived from the Greek word (amarysso) "to sparkle". This was the name of a heroine in Virgil's epic poem "Eclogues" ..." let us go singing as far as we go, the road will be less tedious"  
Hostas have beautiful big leaves in a shady spot
Salvia( aka "red sage" and "the lady in red" ) from the Latin word "to save or to cure" it was believed that growing Saliva could enable a human being to attain immortality. They are a favorite for hummingbirds.
So excited to show you what else we have planted.

Speaking of memory boxes... This box of old photos, films and negatives was sold at an auction.
This is the incredible story of Vivian Maier who took tons of amazing photographs of people but no one who knew her knew her talent till now. Her work is in museums and this is a clip of the upcoming film about her. Its worth a mention. Found the post about it here.
When you do something for the pure love of it without any need for validation is a true artist.
Makes me wonder how we choose to document our time on this earth...

How do you "save time"?
Have you ever made a memory box?
Link up with Greta here!


  1. I love the idea of memory boxes for the kids. I need to look into doing this.
    Also, love that your little one said that the trees are making lace - they have such wonderful perspectives.

    1. Memory boxes are fun especially if you do it as a secret surprise.
      That little one sure has a wonderful way of seeing the world.

  2. Yes, I completely understand the need to record those moments...I always think I'll remember something, but I hardly ever do. Wonderful pictures! I have a memory box that my brother made me when my first husband died. It means a lot.

    1. wow greta that sounds like a real great gift from your brother.
      I wish I had a box of me when I was little. I always feel there is a piece missing.
      All my baby pictures were ruined in a flood and you are right it is hard to remember.
      Thanks for sharing ;)

  3. They'll remember. :)
    And this blog will help you remember, and them as well. :) This is how you bottle them up. :D

    1. Oh Larissa thank you.
      I started this for them.
      By the time you have kids you will be a pro at this for them ;)

  4. Oh! I love these photos by Vivian M.! I was so intrigued by the whole story. Her works were on display here at a gallery earlier this year and I missed it! I was so bummed about that.
    As to the time capsule: Once I was cleaning out my son's pockets before I threw them in the wash. Inside his pocket I found a firecracker, a hospital arm bracelet (used to go once a week), and a nail. It made me smile--it was so HIM. A friend suggested I make a shadow box with these objects. I didn't, but maybe I should have.

    1. I somehow knew you would like the Vivian M story. I will be be checking out that movie for sure.
      I think what you find in people's pockets says a lot about a person. Things they collected or things they always carry with them. That would be a cool box.

  5. I love the idea of a memory box. I am taking a lot of photos, but aside from writing my stories in my blog, I am not recording anything else. I have been thinking about doing something else, though.

    1. I like the idea of having something I can hold. I like the feel of something the weight and texture. Maybe that is why I like to work with my hands. And to have something tangible years from now your children can look at and share with others is a whole other experience than seeing it on a computer I think.
      You should do it ;) Thanks for commenting

  6. I love your blog ... and come to my "cafĂ©", there´s an award for you.
    With love


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