Made with Love

Monday, April 29, 2013

Instant Summer

Ever snap a picture and later realize what moment you captured?
The king managed to take this pic when the little one blurted a "bad word"...
and there I am trying not to laugh as to not encourage any more to spill out.
A rare moment caught in the act.

Shortly after this an ice cream truck jingle played in the distance.
Here, you gotta keep your ears peeled, the jingle is not like the loud ones back in NY that  you can hear 4 blocks away. We sprinted out from the backyard ...we were desperate now missing it twice before. In NY, the trucks linger on your block for awhile, makes sense if you think about it ... for those that live in a 5 floor walk up apartment.  All the same, we felt victorious and triumphant with our frozen trophies. Popsicle cheers!

In an instant it took me back to those sweltering, sticky summer days in the 80's in NY looking out the fire escape just waiting for a hint of a breeze for relief. The ice cream trucks were truly sent from heaven when they came around, which was not often.
The typical NY summer was ... Fire hydrants were open cooling off the street, shiny cars blasting "summer summer summer time...", neighbors screaming "voy pa la bodega!".... kids playing football during the day and the old men at night playing dominoes. I found these great pictures of Brooklyn back in the day.

What makes you think of summer when you were young?

Link up with Jana
Link up with Greta here


  1. I love the first photo! So candid, so natural.
    Happy almost-summertime!

    1. Thanks Alison! I look better in candid photos to be honest.
      Yey for summer !

  2. Love the first picture and the picture of her riding the horse, her ponytail flying behind her :)

    1. Thanks Mami! Sometimes I get lucky when I snap a picture :)

  3. a bad word maybe but also a beautiful picture captured that will make you smile for years to come....I think it's a good trade off :)

  4. Love these! And now I'm definitely craving popsicles!

    Summer for my childhood meant roaming Texan prairies pretending to be Indian princesses and cowgirls, scattering Barbies all over our ten acres and cleaning up after my chickens.. Oh how wonderful it was.. thanks for prodding me to remember. :)

    1. Indian princess and cowgirls! Wow sounds magical.
      Thanks for sharing your memory ;)

  5. Great pictures! (Visiting your blog for the first time via #ippp)
    Also: "summer summer summer time" - that song brought back memories. I was not in NY at the time, but in Colorado and the summers there were pretty awesome!

    1. I love that you remember that song ;)
      Colorado must be lovely the summer too.
      Thanks for commenting !

  6. Love the old pictures of Brooklyn! And the ice cream truck.. I miss the ice cream truck. We used to have the same kind in Philly - he knew to wait. Now? The guy doesn't even know we're here. We can hear the bell in the distance but after the first disappointment of waiting for him to come around the corner and it never happening, we just tune it out. Makes me sad.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kristen ! We wrote a message for the the truck driver in the drive way once in chalk ... I think he got the message. We got tired of running after him. Mind you , I always have ice cream in the fridge, they want the truck still.

  7. OOooh. That first picture is just priceless!!! I love it. Frame it please :) It really is hard to capture that kind of thing! No ice cream trucks here yet, but soon enough. I know my kids can't wait for that. xo.

    1. Thanks Sara a true candid moment I will treasure ;)
      I'd love to hear about your kids ice cream truck experience in your new place.

  8. This is all so sweet. It just radiates genuine beauty and fun.

    1. Thanks Laura! My frizzy hair can tell you I was not prepared for a picture, but it is the look I sport most days.
      love your sweet comment ;)

  9. Replies
    1. I love candid shots , I hardly ever pose still for a picture
      Thanks Franca ! I love that one of you and your little one in your last post too :)

  10. Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! I love that picture of you and your daughter. I also love the images you evoke of summer in NY. I think I need to write a post along these lines...Thanks for the impromtu prompt!

    1. I have been following you for a while via Neil. Love your writing and wit.
      I'd love to see your summer post.
      So flattered to see you comment. Thanks a lot.!

  11. The joy in your daughter's face in those pictures! And that first one is just perfection. I remember walking down the gravel road to get to my best friend's house to go swimming. That was summer for me growing up.

    1. Greta girl, thanks for sharing your memory...gravel road to your friend's house to go swimming ... sounds lovely ! My little girl makes some great faces so lucky to capture a great one here. :)

  12. Love your photos - the first one is especially lovely. Such a fun moment to capture. :)
    When I think of summer, I think of going for ice cream after supper and the smell of sunscreen.

  13. esos instantes no tienen precio... hoy me siento muy nostálgica!!! Miss U!!!!


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