Made with Love

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

The Captain Saves the Dinosaurs

A piece of me has been missing for the past couple of days.
My essential better half left to NYC to rescue the dinosaurs.
He has the pleasure of doing this job every year before Christmas, but this time it ran into some delays. Due to the devastation the recent Hurricane left NY the captain was not even sure it would even happen this year. But after many calls and conversations it was a done deal again. But because we no longer live in NY it was a hard adjustment.
These dino pictures were sent to me from his phone.

He bravely stands in a crane 30 feet in the air filling these huge wire frame dinos with evergreens and holiday lights in front of...wait for it...the American Museum of Natural History. Isn't that awesome?
Our son got to spend the night there at A Night at the Museum many years ago, which was an unforgettable experience sleeping under that massive 94 foot whale. It has always been his favorite place in NY and we have many fond memories there.

 Instead of writing how we miss him I figured it would be best to "pimp" his work here. It is amazing to think that this is completed in only two full days of work. The temperatures in NY are incredibly mild at the moment at 60 degrees during the day there, so he really was lucky.
If you are ever in the NY area during the holiday season stop by and take a look at these creatures... these pictures do not do them justice.

Since he has been gone the princess has been fighting a fever and a bad cold ... so instead of doing the usual like keeping busy at school or having play-dates with her friends ... It has been filled with a lot of playing , coloring, movies and lots of pampering. So the days are long... and four days is a really long time without her daddy for a four year old. I am so thankful for the king who has been a really great big brother taking over and helping me with her.

This experience stirred up a memory of when I was little; my parents and I were in a car accident. I was left a bit traumatized. I would not go near them at the hospital. My mom broke her chin, my dad broke his leg and I broke my collar bone. To get over the trauma the nurses showed me pictures of all of us in my baby albums. This "picture therapy" eventually brought me back to them.
Sadly, these albums were later all destroyed in a flood. And a lot of memories were lost and there are many years I cannot remember. I think this why I take too many pictures...for my kids' memories.
Today the princess and I went through photos from our life in NY and we reminisced and laughed together. It was therapy for both of us.

I thought I'd share one of our favorite memories of one of our many picnics in New York before we left...

See you in a few days my captain!

Share, if you'd like, how you preserve a memory or how you help from missing someone.

Linking up with Frankly My Dear with "What's the Word?" Wednesday


  1. Those dinosaurs are truly stunning! Hope your little one is feeling better.

  2. Thanks sweet Alison. She is doing better every day. I wish you a speedy recovery too.
    I love when you comment first ;)

  3. That is so so so cool!!! I would love to visit the museum some day! Your husband has super awesome job! :)

    1. Thanks Larissa and welcome to my blog! If you have never been you must, your kids will love it.

    2. I was kinda thinking of going before then.. .but who knows right?

      P.S. Here's a little something for you:

    3. you are too sweet! returning the love soon Larissa

  4. That is so incredible awesome Alma and I love your family shots. He'll be home in no time at all.

    Nina x

    1. Nina thanks for the reassurance. Its great to be missed ..only for a little while.

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks Polly! I am quite proud of him , and they do look pretty fantastic.

  6. Me encanta esta entrada Alma.....
    es bueno recordar cosas.... a veces no... pero forman parte de nuestra vida....
    cómo me gustaría ir a ver los dinosarios a NY y que me acompañáseis vosotros!
    muchos besos a la princesa.. espero que esté ya del todo buena

    1. Gracias linda! Ese museo te fasania de verdad chica.
      Sera divertido compartirlo contigo.
      Ahora la niña esta mejorando y se me lo pego a mi.

  7. Hi Alma,

    Especially I love 3rd photo and family photos. Unless 3rd one is here, I can't imagine how beautiful the Dinosaurs are :)


    1. Thanks Mayura! There is nothing like NY at Christmas time ;)

  8. I have never been to New York, or the Natural History Museum, but it always makes me think of the book I read as a kid, From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. I loved how they got in the fountain at night and collected the coins--such a kid's fantasy.
    I am sorry your pictures got destroyed. I remember sitting with my mother as she looked at pictures, or even her yearbook, and told me about the people in them. It was a warm and happy time and I was always sorry when we realized it was late and it had to end.

  9. Wow, these photos are amazing. Some day I will visit NYC, and now I think I'll have to see the NHM when I do!


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