Made with Love

Monday, August 13, 2012

"I have always imagined that paradise would be a kind of library" ~Jorge Luis Borges

There are places you visit and you fall in love.
That speak to you of its history and secrets.
That have perfect little nooks to get lost in 
and perfect little shops to find yourself in.
This is such a place, this place I now call home.
one of the many "squares" in downtown Savannah
This trip was based on a need for a book and a need for something old.
And we found just that all in one place in the heart of the Historic District.
Among the locals she is simply known as the "the book lady".
This place is a real treat if you love old books.
the king was in heaven
What could be more a more perfect match?
A quaint bookstore with a yarn store above it?
It was kismet...!!!
This yarn store I will have to save for another trip here.

The smell of old books is intoxicating here

The shops is so inviting, warm and welcoming.

The princess made friends fast talking to the book lady and her furry shadow.
the princess fell in love with Cassidy, the dog
The king was stuck pretty much in front of the "classics" section the entire time.
he came home with a nice selection for  himself
Toward the back of the shop was a magical place the princess and I escaped to.
She called it a fairy garden.
We pretended that no one else knew about but us.
she came home with an old Rapunzel story
I fell in love with this Shakespeare collection.
I was not allowed to touch but I took a good whiff...Mmmm....

This was on the captains wish list...
It would be great to go with his Wyeth collection at home.
this Andrew Wyeth was not in our budget... hard to leave behind
As if this shop could not have more ...
I was so happy to see coffee brewing in a small cafe made for two!

Before leaving I made sure to talk to the book lady and sign up for their newsletter.
In our conversation of the book I was currently reading she invited me to check out their book club.
This place can easily reawaken your love for books all over again.
It inspired me to want to create a reading nook in my home.
I'm still in search for the chair that speaks to me.


  1. Hi Alma! Thank you for stopping by at my blog! :) Bienvenida! Your comment is very nice.
    I LOVED that bookstore, I so love books and specially old ones! I also want a reading nook at home, we have a "reading spot" but it's quite cold and not very comfortable so it's definitely not a nook. I like your photos a lot by the way! :)

    1. Thanks Andrea! I am so glad we share the love of old books as well as yarn.
      Love your shop and blog!
      Buena suerte con su "reading nook" ;)

  2. That book store looks amazing! I wish we had a local book store like it here.

    1. Oh and I wish we had a store like yours here...lets trade for a day :)
      This is a cute place to frequent for sure.

  3. What a perfect, perfect place.

    I think both myself and hubby could get lost in there for hours.

    Nina xxx

    ps. I know exactly what you mean about IG - I love seeing the little daily snippets - it makes me feel a kind of way.

    1. Thank goodness for quaint shops for like minded people like us.
      See you later on IG!

  4. What a beautiful little book store! So cosy looking. There is a similar one near where my Aunt lives, which is built into an old rail station! It's HUGE and full of treasures.

    1. An old railroad station, that must me an awesome sight. I love places that are recycled like that but keep part of its history. I have always wanted to have a home that was a old barn or warehouse so I can have enough room for a big swing inside. ;)

  5. Oh I love this!! I love bookstores, especially old ones like the one you have the privilege of going back to again and again. I need to seek one out in my city. Beautiful pictures too.

    1. I find the best ones are "off the beaten path", sort of hard to find. These days there are not many but I am in constant search of the quaint small businesses that struggle. In my mind, that is where you find the heart of the city.

  6. Totalmente perfecto.. es un lugar increible.. me quedaría a vivir allí!!!!
    Tiene un encanto muy especial...
    sabes? me recordó a aquella película "tienes un e-mail" de Tom Hanks... no se si allí tenía el mismo nombre.... la chica Meg Ryan tenía una librería muy especial en la película...
    Aquí no hay sitios tan bonitos... nos centramos más en lo histórico y la gente no se esfuerza en crear espacios personales tan únicos.
    Disfrutalo mucho y ya veo que tus hijos también lo hacen.. genial!!!
    Me encantaría ver por dentro la tienda de lanas, esas fibras salvajes tienen que ser de película.. supongo que pronto nos las enseñarás...
    Un beso enorme, mi niña

    1. Me alegro que te gusto. La pelicula que tu hablas es "You've Got Mail". Si este sitio tiene el mismo "charm". La señora de la tienda también es como Meg sabe de todo y súper nice. Todo aquí es de película de verdad. No puedo creer que no lo hay en España pero si es verdad es una pena. Sitios así tienen el corazón de la cuidad adentro.
      Espero encontrar mas como este.
      La tiendas de lana, hay varas. Y voy pronto... te lo prometo.
      Yo se que te gustaría a Savannah.

  7. I need to get out more and see if there's such a place near me. I doubt it... but it would be magical to try to find.


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