Made with Love

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

Yesterday I was super excited to receive the Liebster blog Award from Monika.
For those who were clueless like me, I had to look this up and find out more about it.
"Liebster" means "favorite" or "dearest in German. This award, which originated in Germany, recognizes up and coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.

Here are the rules:
1. Thank your Liebster award presenter
2. Link back to the blogger who presented you the award.
3. Copy and paste the blog award button.
4. Present this award to 5 bloggers with 200 or less followers and who you feel deserve to be noticed.
5. Let them know they have been chosen by leaving a comment on their blog.

It is also a tradition to write five things about yourself.
I am a fan of truth, so here are my "truthy" things that first popped into my head.

5 things about me:
1. I sometimes shave my legs .
2. When I graduated High School my mouth was wired shut for 3 months and had to eat thru a straw.
3. I can get stuff done in pajamas.
4. When I was little my laugh would make other babies cry.
5. If I found money I would spend it on yarn.

Sharing the love with:

Be sure to visit some of these lovely ladies and say hello.

*Thanks Monika, for the love!*


  1. What a great idea! And you deserve it!!!!

  2. I've been so wrapped up in our cross-country move that I just noticed this today! Thanks so much dear, and congrats to you!

    1. Cross-country move! That sounds exciting . We are in the process of moving too, in a month. Where are you moving to? We are moving from NY to GA. Good luck with everything and safe travels!

  3. thank you!!! I only sometimes shave my legs, too. honesty! =D

    1. you re very welcome! good to know you are a free spirit like me!

  4. Arrrived safe and sound in l.a. True cross country move from the Bronx! Our overzealous movers packed every single bit of yarn so I've been knitting-free for two weeks! Gah! Our move-in day is tomorrow. Can't wait to get my hands back on my stash.
    Hope your move goes smoothly! Our experience so far has been pretty painless.

    1. Wow that really is cross-country!!! I once did the same from NY to San Diego and did some camping and rock climbing along the way too. I have some friends in Oakland I'd love to visit.
      Being with out you stash ? That is harsh torture for sure!
      I was wondering what moving company did you use? We are doing the "pods" because I don't trust movers.
      In a month's time we will be in GA.
      Now get to that stash and do some damage!

  5. Gracias hermana!!!!! me ha ilusionado mucho...
    Guapa mil besos

  6. Alma - what a beautiful post and a cupboard full of treasures. When I was little I always wished for a kind of cupboard you would find in a C.S.Lewis book - unfortunately ours are just full of long forgotten junk.

    I hope the packing is going well and I love the picture of the cute little curl that snakes around your daughters eye.

    Nina xxx

    1. Nina,
      Oh a magical cupboard from a C.S. Lewis book is right up my alley. I still have my collection and passed it on to my kids and they love it as much as I have. I hope they never lose that sense of wonderment.
      Packing is still going. Time is ticking a still a lot is not finalized. But slowly getting there.
      That curl was completely accidental ! I had to put in the post , it was too cute.
      Hope your festivities were a blast !
      Alma xxx


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