Made with Love

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Valiant King

This post has been long overdue and the hardest to write.
A part of me was waiting for a happy ending to happen and so here it is...

The king has been through a lot these past few months.
The bullying he endured in the past few years from classmates he knew since he was four.
In the last couple of years they changed on him.
All of the sudden it was no longer cool anymore to be unique.
He has never made any secret of who he is
because I have always celebrate his individualism.
His "differences" made him a target in a place he felt safe at one time.
They bullied him because: he has a smaller frame, does not really have a liking to sports (although he has a killer swing at bat), he looooves to read (prefers sci-fi/ adventure, old classics), he does not prefer violent video games, he is awesome at drawing (he doesn't believe it), he is a poet, he loves math and science.
Even though bullied, he gave them the benefit of doubt and saw something good in them.
At times some kids had changed by his kindness... but most betrayed him.
This was the hardest to recover from.
To this day the hardest to forget.

the king customizing his burger
It is a hard thing for an eleven year old boy to know that all these wonderful differences make up who he is. It is a harder thing for an eleven year old boy to see that these things, these differences are not celebrated. That "different" is something to be ridiculed.
He was losing faith in people.
The king and I had long conversations at night in between the tears to make sense of it all.
Until the next night to then go through it all again.
Our conversations opened up to even discussing hurting himself and suicide.
He knows of stories of kids that are bullied and ends badly.
He asures me that he is not a statistic but one that will make a change for the better.
He sees the good in people even through the pain.
He is the bravest person I know.
He is the bravest person I know.

a lunch with just the boys
After countless meetings with school staff, teachers, parents and principal.
I had to do what was in his best interest and take this straight A student
out of the school in the middle of 5th grade year.
Some people had the best intentions but after awhile it was forgotten and then back to the same ol'.
The principal said "if you leave you are running away from the situation."
(holding my boriqua tongue) I said "not running away but running to something better."
Just like that he left the only school he had ever known and entered a bigger school in one day.
I was as nervous as if he was going to college.
He came out that day all smiles.. and I was so relieved. The weight was lifted.
The king said "mom! I have so many friends, it was an awesome day!"
In this class he was cool because he is different.

The boys in guitar heaven
Because of this he is stronger, confident, smarter.... and now a writer.
He is presently writing a book about all of his experiences every night.
Before he goes off to bed he lets me read his new additions and I savor every word.
He is a gifted writer and told him I will do everything to get it published.
He amazes me every night with his choice of words, humor and honesty.
It has been a great release and savior for him.

the king wants to learn guitar
the captain playing a tune
He chooses to write with a number two or three pencil and loose leafs of paper.
I think he has more control over his story this way.
He has a brilliant style of writing.
And I will say it again... He is the bravest person I know.
It is a rare sight to see him smile so wide, high fivin' friends after school,
but I can get used to that.

We are getting ready for another big change ... moving from NY to Georgia.
Today we are starting to box e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g we own.
Will be keeping my posts updated of the move in the coming months.

Like this tree the king has broken out of the mold.
Not falling or breaking
But no longer needing to have something to hold
He has grown roots so big that can no longer sustain the old
He can now grow on his own.
And roots strong enough to break the concrete.

Any brave exciting changes in your life?


  1. Thank you for sharing this. Your family is amazing and it's such a great thing that your King will be able to share his journey. He is such a strong soul tell him thanks for his bravery he is an example to us all. I am delighted to hear your adventure gets to continue in the direction you feel is right. That's so fabulous. Keep up the posts! Love ya all! Amy, Tim, and Allie

    1. Amy girl, thanks for your sweet sweet words. I will sure let him know you said that. We are all in a much better place from the change. Thanks for the follow new mommy blogger. :) Much love!

  2. your strength and his combined make an explosive Molotov concoction of confidence and power. You did good mom and he will be better for it. Love you guys so much and I can't wait for you guys to get here. xoxo

    1. Thanks Adri! I appreciate all of your advice and guidance through all of this. We love you and can't wait to see you too.

  3. Alma, cariño... estoy llorando ahora mismo.
    Ha sido muy emocionante leer lo que has escrito.
    Muy intenso, muy especial y lleno de sentimientos.
    La historia de tu hijo me ha llegado al corazón. Yo tengo dos niños "diferentes".
    Pedro es muy sensible, no le gusta el deporte, no le gusta jugar con niños, sólo con chicas, sufre por todas las cosas de la vida.... me da miedo pensar que le puedan hacer daño.
    Juan es un niño con TGD (transtorno general del desarrollo). Hace 3 años pensabamos que era autista, pero no lo es, y es muy dificil diagnosticar. Va a ser diferente toda su vida, nos va a necesitar siempre, aunque todavía no sabemos cómo va a ser los próximos años. El tuvo una lesión cerebral al nacer. Ahora es prácticamente normal en muchas cosas. Habla, juega, va a una escuela normal con niños de su edad, y muy poca gente sabe que le pasa algo, porque no se le nota... a veces aparecen los fantasmas que me dicen que más adelante le pueden hacer mucho daño, y siento miedo.
    Me gusta conocer a gente tan valiente como tu niño, y como tú.
    Os adoro.
    Besos muy dulces

    1. Mi princesa es la más fuerte, y va a cuidar a sus hermanos siempre.. estoy segura de ello!
      Gracias por leerme... perdona por escribir en español. No se traducir tantos sentimientos!

    2. Isa, gracias por tus palabras y tu contarme de tu hijo bello. Somos mujeres fuertes y por eso nos encontramos. Siempre hay razón. Me da mucha felicidad que te gusto tanto y podías contarme de tu hijo. Gracias amor!
      No te preocupes del español. Es mejor practica para mi que soy baga con esto.
      Amor y abrazos fuerte!

    3. ♥gracias por ser mi amiga

  4. 'Oh' Alma such beautiful words for such awful events. Your young man sounds like an amazing individual that is strong and courageous - those other kids are nothing but cowards.

    Much love to you all and good luck with the move.

    take care - I hope all goes smoothly.

    ♥ Nina ♥ xxxxxx

    1. Thank you for your kind words Nina. I have received such love from readers and all so unexpected. I am lucky to have a strong courageous boy but also a great support of great moms from all over. It means a lot that you comment, I am truly a faithful fan of your work. Much love to you and thanks! <3

  5. thank you for sharing the king's story. his courage and kind heart are so very inspiring. wish you and your family a wonderful week and all the best with the move!

    1. Lovely for you to stop by and comment. I will certainly pass on the message to him. Thank you Trish and enjoy your week!

  6. Thank you for your comment. Isn't there just so much pressure for boys to like sport/be sporty?. I really dread this when my son gets older as he isn't into sport. Monika

    1. I agree Monika. Even nowadays when someone defies a stereotype that still "scares" them. Personally I am drawn to them. We have to change that perception at a young age, I think. Thanks for the follow back!

  7. I found your blog today and your words touched my heart. I taught in a school here in Birmingham AL that was the first National School of Character in the state. Bullying can be such a devastating thing. From what I"ve read, I think you did the right thing for your brave boy. God bless him for staying true to himself. I pray that your move south will be a good one for your whole family.

    1. Thank you Virginia. His school did nothing to make the situation better long term. It was a hard decision to take him out but you are right we did the right thing for him. Thanks for stopping by and kind words.


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