Made with Love

Friday, April 27, 2012

About new

I must tell you about the new...
In a whirlwind of new discoveries I am finding who I am.
Pleasantly surprised that my thirst for creativity has been steady and unquenched.
I have new and undiscovered talents every day.
I  no longer need to look for the signs because they are all around.
I find that I enjoy the balance of the slowness of my day and the crazy busy witching night hours.
Being a stay at home mom is the hardest job I've ever had, but most rewarding.
I enjoy the tender moments because my heart needs me.
I find that I have more confidence than I care to I admit.
Learning to love the sound of my voice gives me purpose.

White Redbud trees at the Manhattan Zoo
The king is showing more confidence at the new school and
learning the true meaning of friendship.
His goals are immense and has complete belief in them now.
In the final stages of his first book now, he is an accomplished author in his own right.
His pencil is his shield, his weapon, his voice.

During the day the princess has shown a likeness for cooking and helping in the home.
No matter the time of night, before bed, we sing songs under the covers
in the haze of a faint nightlight. She tells me that this is her favorite part of her day.
My favorite the morning... listening to her in the monitor sing to herself as she wakes up.

So ever grateful for the time I have to myself to create.
It is a much needed "me" time that I seem to get mostly late at night and early morning.
I enjoy the silence and solitude like never before.

hands busy creating
Presently we are planning towards leaving our home of
thirteen years and relocating from NY to GA. It has been a year in the planning.
In between the daily routines, we pack boxes and plan.
I am so loving looking at all our memories as we pack, things we have collected
and at the same time shaking my head in disbelief at all the crap I have kept.
Its going to be a grueling process so we do a little every day.
Madison Ave bus stop
I have little nervous butterflies reminding me that timing is everything
and this is our time.
We are all excited about the move and all the new things to come.
My new projects, the captain's new career opportunities,
the kids fresh start in a new school and town and all the southern fairies we will meet.

a garden on an estate the captain tends to

A special thank you to all for your good wishes in the previous post.
It was overwhelming and I was deeply touched by those heartfelt comments.
Our family has been forever changed by the love across the globe.


  1. Otra vez me ha emocionado al leerte.
    Me imagino tus "mariposas", tus nervios por el cambio de ciudad... Disfrutando el silencio de la noche, creando con tus manos, riendo con tus hijos... esa es la vida y creo que la vives 100%... por eso me gustas mucho.
    TODO VA A SALIR BIEN!!! (estoy segura, y me gusta ser una parte pequeñita de todo ésto)
    Un beso GIGANTE!

    1. Gracias Isa! Yo se que todo va a salir bien, pero aves me pongo nerviosa naturalmente.
      Tu eres una parte por segura. Tu palabras me motiva pa' lante.
      Besos para todos en España!!!

  2. Good luck with the move, the packing and jitter bugs - I'm sure all will be fine and just think a new adventure.

    Your blog is just gorgeous Alma - one of a kind - your words and pictures truly inspiring.

    Take care and good luck again - enjoy the much as you can.

    Have a beautiful day

    Nina xxxx

    1. Thanks Nina, for your incredible support and being a source of inspiration across the globe.
      You are too sweet! I must make you a handmade goodie.
      Enjoy your week!


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