Made with Love

Monday, December 24, 2012

Lumps of Love

Since my last post our family came down with the phelm sickness from hell and still recovering. My mami came to visit from New York for a few days and forced me to to take a blogcation.

This christmas season is unlike any other for this wallflower. I have always spent christmas day with either one of my parents until now.

I could call mami and say "I just want to thank you ... remember the time you stayed by my side for months while I recovered from surgery. My face was disfigured and you patiently fed me through a straw. You covered all the mirrors in the house and made sure I had no visitors until I recovered. Well it was the worst summer vacation ever and you made it better. I don't know if I ever thanked you. "
But instead I say "Merry Christmas, love you."
I could call papi and say "I just want to thank you... remember when you took me to El Parque De Las Palomas and gave me the most unforgettable summers of my childhood en el Viejo San Juan. You taught me about being humble and about enjoying living life simply. I don't think I ever thanked you." 
But instead I say "Feliz Navidad y bendiciones"

In the wake of the recent senseless tragedies has made me fall silent and unable to find the words. The only way I know to recover is to practice acts of kindness ...
So with a lump in my heart we gave back to our community feeding the homeless,
 made a christmas wish come true by recreating a knit christmas stocking heirloom
and made small handmade gifts for local friends and neighbors.

I am content in  knowing that this year we have less presents under our tree than other years. We are living simply these days and learning to be thankful for what we have.

From my family to yours we wish you a Happy Holiday and a blessed New Year.

Giveaway on the next post !


  1. You make me so happy! Thank you for your words. So full of wisdom! I love you! May God bless you and your family. Love you all and miss you terribly. Mami

  2. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Alma. xo

  3. Dear Alma, Sorry! My comment was not meant to be Sent by anonymous! Love you n miss you tons!

  4. Que afortunada eres por tener a esa familia tan bonita.. Dios os bendiga siempre a todos!!!
    Tu madre es guapísima!
    Con todo lo que ha pasado este último año sólo se me ocurre dar las gracias por todo lo que tenemos...
    Felices fiestas, y un año nuevo cargado de ilusión y esperanza...

  5. Happy Christmas! I share your perspective. When we are here to share with those we love, what else can we need?

  6. good on you for your acts of kindness, all the best in this new year! Monika.

  7. Hey Alma and 'Happy New Year' - sorry it's a little late, but I have the small one off ill (already). Feet touching the floor....not a chance.

    Sorry you've all been unwell too.

    take care and huge hugs for the new year.

    Nina x


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