Made with Love

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Silence speaks when words cant

There has been a lot of noise in my head recently
and I needed to be silent to regain some much needed clarity
My silence reminds me where to find my center and balance
it helped me to return to the things that bring us peace.
So we returned to beach at night to celebrate the end of summer
and watch the night sky light up
The night could not have been more perfect ... the music, the crowd, the weather
but most of all each other's company
The display of fireworks was spectacular with perfect seats on the sand
But what really stole the show was the moon
so bright it could have been easily disguised as the sun
As if the moon was giving her own show
not wanting her spotlight to be stolen
I know that feeling
And the stars also begged not to be forgotten
The Dipper so perfectly placed itself above my head
sprinkling little bits of starlight inspiration
giving us the peace we needed
We have since found ways to take in the beauty and make the best of simple moments
porch art

football at sunset
meet "chestnut" a lovely horse who greets me daily
we enjoy our walks to school
coloring is her thing now
we take time to be silly before bed
My princess has started school and loves it so much she wishes to attend every day of the week. She is learning so much about the world around her... talking to butterflies, tending to her garden, and now names the spanish moss trees "musical moss". The king has taken up drums at school...and at home. He is saving to own his own drum set.
The captain is working on a new project for me.
I have been working on a new order and designs for this lovely shop in California.
Looking forward to date night with the captain next month
and many more sunsets together...
Savannah sunset over my home
**special thanks to Susanna for the lovely mention of Lucy on her blog who inspired "the unfinished song of cicadas". To Trish for never having the fear to create something new and for the lovely giveaway that I handmade gifts. To new followers Mum of All Trades , Adventures at Home and Andrea from Caracol who have given me bits of new inspiration.

What do you do to clear your mind?


  1. thank you so much for the mention! such beautiful, inspiring shots you have here!

    1. Thanks Trish.. I will soon let you know what I do with your paintings.

  2. Thank you for the mention Alma! I love your picks and your writing, I feel as if I was hearing you speak. Good luck with you little guy's drums (I live with a drummer, it's loud but it feels so great when you see them play)Sometimes I also need some silence around my head, I go for a walk, go to my yoga class, or simply make a coffee and sit in the terrace watching the skyline :)

    1. You live with a drummer... yeah it can get loud..but it makes him happy so its good noise.
      Its good to have something to find peace and solace.
      Keep creating you keep me inspired.

  3. Whoa! I love the picture with the Captain and the King in the air! As always, l love reading your blog. (To clear my mind, I sit outside with a cup of tea and watch the birds).

    1. Thanks, I love that too. We love getting silly before bed. It is so important to end your day with a smile.
      I love watching the birds here too...there is so much activity in our backyard that we take a moment to be still and watch it all happen.

  4. Just reading your post put at ease.

    So glad your soul is soothed. xo

    1. Thanks Alison! We are all feeling better and ready for the fall.

  5. Hello Alma - I so hear what you're saying. Sometimes it's good to have a little calm inside our heads. It can get jolly noisy in there at times with the jumble of life.

    take care,

    Nina x

    1. Thanks NIna. Going through stuff and quite helps. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Preciosas las fotos...
    escucho tu silencio a pesar del ruido de los fuegos artificiales shhhhhhhhhhhh
    casi es como mirar por un agujerito y verte a través de él...
    se lo que es el exceso de ruido en la cabeza... yo llevo unos meses también en busca del silencio, pero no es muy fácil para mi encontrarlo... a veces no sé si eso es bueno o no...
    me pego a tu lado para encontrar el silencio contigo, para llenarme de energía positiva y recorrer el camino a tu lado.
    love ♥

    1. Isa como siempre ...leo tus responsas y me siento mejor, me siento mas calmada y mas contenta conmigo.
      Yo conozco tu energia, tu palabra, tu ser.
      Mil de gracias por darme algo que no es facil encontrar ... soy afortunada .

    2. yo más afortunada que tú
      por haberte encontrado en mi vida

  7. What a beautiful way to end the summer!
    Also, chestnut is gorgeous! I wish I had a horse around to greet me each morning.
    Cannot wait to see what your husband is working on!

    1. Chestnut is a beauty ... I am waiting to snap a pic of the other two beauties that graze with her but are much too shy to pose for me. The pallet project is coming along great, my husband says it is the most favorite thing he has made yet. Cant wait to show it off! Thanks to you for planting the "pallet seed".
      Have a great week!

  8. ooooh!qué bonito todo! los fuegos artificiales en la playa me recuerdan a mi verano...uff! me gustaría entrar en tus fotos y quedarme en ellas una temporada.

    Muchas gracias por tus bonitas palabras en mi blog!

    1. Macarena gracias! Siempre me inspiras a tratar algo nuevo.
      Me encanta tu estilo y el espiritu de tu arte.

  9. Love your update! My favorite photo is the fist moon one, so cool! Love your knitting too! & lovely ladies in picture number 1 : )

    1. Thanks Ann! It was great night and a beautiful moon.. one to be remembered.

  10. Hi Alma,

    Love the snaps here :) Fireworks and moon. Especially "The silly moment before bed" :D Got my attention. Love family moments :)


    1. Gad I got your attention Mayura! I have learned a lot reading your blog.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. What beautiful photos. The first one is so lovely. Evokes such great emotions. You are so blessed with your family.

    1. Thanks I do love that photo my captain took. My little girl was so scares of the loud fireworks that night.
      Thanks Molly Jo!


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