Made with Love

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Confessions of a 40 year old virgin

It has been all about the rain.
It is all about the frizzy hair.
It is all about breakfast at lunchtime.
It is all about the pilled up boxes.
It is all about the unwanted acne.
It is all about the waiting and waiting.

So we blow bubbles indoors ...

Lately unimpressed with the latest fashion.
Or television
Or new events in my hood
Or a new shop or restaurant

So we blow on...

Moving to a new state with 13 years of memories stuffed in boxes is stressful. I think it is time I no longer deny the toll it has taken on me ... it is starting to show. I think about the little feet that have walked these wooden floor boards and wonder what kind of stories they would tell. Its the place my little ones have ever called home.
My princess looked out the window watching our favorite tree blossom and looking at the birds eat from our urban feeder on the fire escape ..."momma I love it here, and I never want to leave".
I admit at the time it pained me. Now, in retrospect, I believe she was voicing her state of happiness at that moment not her address.

There are times that I think of myself as the 40 year old virgin who is a mother and wife. Haven't yet begun my life but rather put on pause. There is a lot I want to do and want to try. This move is partly an experiment into that part of me that has been put on pause. As the lovely Adriana put it "Alma, just think of this as an adventure you will take for a year...give yourself a year, nothing more." I love that.
This blog was started to document this new beginning.

 The picture below shows evidence of the chaos that has taken over our little nook. Notice the boxes on top our kitchen cabinets. The open door of the washer reminding me to load it again. The king's damp pants hanging in the window that did not fully dry.
What this does not show is the many other piles of boxes. The piles of unfolded laundry and scattered toys and the dust balls collecting.
In the months to come I will be showing a lot more is messy and I am learning to embrace it.

In the spirit of trying new things I have started to take up again another love of mine...memoirs. This book was mentioned by someone awhile back and have always wanted to pick it up. I love the way the book feels in my hands... its hard to explain... but I will never be a fan of an e-reader. It tells an amazing tale of a woman in her twenties whose mother dies, after a few years of unhappiness she decides to make this trip alone without any experience hiking or the wild. I won't say much because I have not yet finished it or want to ruin it for you. I will leave you this link where Cheryl tells her story in her own words.
I believe this book tells my story too...of the 40 year old virgin within me.

*These are my recent followers, stop over and give a hello.
Faye of Buttons and Beeswax, a talented knitter from the UK
and Notes From The Buffer Zone, an amazing writer form the south.

Bubbles can make anyone happy.
What small thing makes you happy?
Any confessions?


  1. Sweet.. thank you for the link :)

    I love that 'life is messy and I am learning to embrace it' - something I have never given much thought to - you should see my house and I don't even have any children!

    I moved cities in August, and even though my friends and family aren't far away, it's still taking a bit of getting used to. I hope you feel more settled soon!

    Oh and small things that make me happy? New yarn and having time to play with it! :)

    1. You are very welcome Faye!
      You gave me such giggle about your messes ;)
      I will be about 15 hours away by car from my mother, who has not taken a liking to it. I know we will be fine in time.
      Mmmm how I love new yarn! I am going through a "dry spell" right now with a loss of inspiration for a new project. But time is an issue here. Maybe something will strike my fancy soon.
      Thanks for commenting, have a great week and hope your hands are busy with some new yarn soon.

  2. Esto ha sido lo primero que he leido al volver a casa.
    Espero que pronto se ordenen todas las cosas que andan un poco revueltas en tu cabeza. El cambio siempre debe de ser para mejorar, piensalo así.
    Gracias por el Link.
    Pequeñas cosas que me hacen feliz: enterrar los pies en la arena, andar descalza, el té con mucha azucar y tener una amiga en USA que me emociona cada día.

    1. Ayyyy Isa que bella eres!
      Me encanto tus palabritas y cosejitos...siempre.
      Me encanta tus cosas que te hacen feliz (esas cositas son para mi también)
      y es un honor ser una de tus cosas. :)
      Mis pies sueñan de un dia enterarse in la arena y andar descalza por mi casa y afuera a la misma vez.

  3. I can't even imagine packing up 13 years of memories and moving to a different state. I'm happy you're documenting the move because it'll be nice for you to look back and see what all was accomplished.

    1. Yeah I thought it would be a great reason to start a blog and a great time since I lost my job in November.
      To look back would great. If I was to predict what it would look like , I can't really say I am working with a clean slate.
      Whatever comes is exciting and new and that is always good.

  4. Just a year ;)
    You'll see all the memories and experiences you will collect and that my love can't be boxed anywhere but in your head. love ya.

  5. I think you are going to have an amazing adventure though I do know how you feel about feeling like things are on hold.

    Maybe next year for me, but for now - you've embraced that seed of a notion, turned it into a decision and are now going for it - I think you are very brave...indeed.

    take care,

    Nina xxx

    ps. all posted today.

    1. Thanks Nina for thinking me brave.
      The "on hold" part is hard to explain... but living in a city like NY everything is convenient, too accessible.
      It tends to make you feel safe when you are young but as you get older you forget there is a world outside NY.
      Because I have lived here so long there was never a need to learn to drive or need to travel. So up to this point I
      feel it has hindered me living a full life.
      I was never meant for the city life in my heart. I was born on a caribbean island. I was meant for salty winds and oceans sounds. For green and dirt under my feet and much more sky out my window.
      There is so much I want to experience. Impossible to do that here if you are not wealthy.
      I will hope to explain detail in other posts to come.
      Thanks for your sweetness and can't wait for your goodies in the mail.
      Alma xxx

  6. Oh I do feel for you. Moving isn't easy, especially when children are involved. I'm sure you'll manage to sort through the chaos soon enough. It always seems to get so much worse before it gets better. Good luck! x

    1. True, it does seems worse in our heads.
      Thanks for the encouragement Anna!
      Truly sweet!

  7. I'm going to moving soon too. Blogging has made me happy during a very stressful year... you can do it!

    1. Thanks Jenni! I saw you live in MN, I would be interested to hear of your travels as well. Thanks for the follow and for stopping by. Have a great weekend!

  8. Haha--thanks for calling me "amazing." (I'm not sure about that.) Even though I have owned the house I am in for a long time, there was a period I moved away for about 5 years and roamed. It was an incredible and exciting experience. Hope yours will be too.

    1. Ahhh, to roam is good too. I am super excited and know it will be life changing. Thanks for stopping by !

  9. Very exciting! Definitely sounds like an adventure! I would love to do that too one day. Also, must get some of those pop up bubble containers!

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Those pop -up containers are great and love anything easy and no mess.
      Your Halloween books are great, it is always the favorite holiday here too.
      Enjoy your weekend!


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