Made with Love

Friday, May 4, 2012

Boys Roadtrip

The captain and the king were off this morning at 5am on a road trip from NY to Savannah 
leaving the princess and I behind for the weekend.
The boys are making the 15 hour trip for the purpose to go house hunting.
We went last summer and a year later our hearts have not fully recovered still.
Ever been to a place where you never knew you missed?
Or ever been to a place that felt like home instantly?
Savannah put that a spell on me..
Smitten with the place we took a leap of faith and here we are house hunting.
They will be welcomed by my lovely prima and her generous family.
I will forever be thankful to Adriana and the rest of her bohemian tribe for making this an easier process.

The boys are adventure seekers at heart and lover of the outdoors 
they love camping, mountain climbing, fishing and exploring the woods even frozen woods.
As I saw them off the king said "it's alright mom we will be listening to Metallica" reassure me that they will stay awake for the whole trip.

the barefoot king determined to climb to the top @ an outdoor concert
Anxiety set in the day before when I found myself laughing casually
and then I broke down into a crying hysteria.
Moving this far into an unknown city with kids and 13 years packed in a truck
can be stressful. Although seemingly composed I broke in front of my kids over a plate of chimichangas.

boys siesta
Cant wait to see their pictures and hear of their adventures !
Safe travel to my boys and can't wait to your smiling faces.

an oldie favorite

the boys

In the spirit of traveling this video will certainly get you going..
Get out there and travel
Make impulsive choices
Your future is waiting

Another special thank you to the Boatwright familia.
For your warm hospitality and place to crash.


  1. Gracias por contar tu historia... por las fotos del pasado... por el vídeo.... ha sido un remanso de paz para el fin de semana y ya tengo ganas de que nos cuentes cómo les ha ido a tus chicos....
    Tus frases del final se graban en mi corazón (make impulsive choices....)

    1. Gracias Isa! Creo que eres my number one fan de mi blog ;)
      Siempre me encantan leer tus palabras.
      Me alegro que te guste. Es la primera ves que mi esposo no esta aqui pa leer lo.
      Los chicos llegaron bien y están contentos.

    2. I like to be the number one fan :))))) FOREVER!!!
      Kises for all the family

  2. It's going to be a wonderful adventure and with a name like Savannah - how can you go even sounds gorgeous.

    If you don't try you'll never know.

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

    Nina xxx

    1. Nina it is gorgeous, can't wait to give my camera some use down three.
      This year is all about change and trying new things. Moving from a city to the woods is a big one.
      Cant wait to tell you of all the other ones to come!
      Great rest of weekend in your part of the globe!


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